Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ann Arbor Book Festival!

The Ann Arbor Book Festival street vendors event is nearly here.
Saturday, May 17:
On North University Street in Ann Arbor.

We will have a table with books, posters & cards for sale.
The UFO Cumooter 2006 will on display.

I will sign copies of "Who's Behind the Fairy Doors?"
We will answer most questions (evaded others... "hey! what's THAT!?>"*).

(*it's a diversionary technique for questions which will remain UNanswered)


Jen said...

Thanks for dropping in :)

Yes, I changed the image, as I realised it was of one that belonged to a lady who's blog I read, and I hadn't asked her permission! Funny how googling images can do that :) I asked if I could still use it, and she asked, quite politely, that I take it down. Her reasons were totally reasonable and kind, so I had no problem at all.

Ann said...

Thank you for your comment.
I hope my post didn't offend in any way. I found the RESIN fairy door at the back of a clearance rack, thought it was cute and bought it. I never heard of it tell then. SO I went home and researched it. I much prefer the homemade ones myself and I intend to make some of my own.

jbw said...

No offense (by YOU) taken! ;)